Want To Help?

There are many ways that you can help Rachel. Obviously, travel expenses for the ongoing medical trips for her surgeries 3-4 times per year add up quickly, in addition to other medical expenses that don’t end up covered by insurance due to the rarity of her medical condition and varied treatments required, and expenses to care for Siena, as well. We are grateful for any and everything.

We’ll be adding a way to donate directly (likely an integrated Paypal button, although you won’t need to have a Paypal account to use it). However, you can also donate immediately, now, via Paypal using the email address HelpRachelBreathe [at] gmail [dot] com regardless of whether we have any button setup here.

If you’d like to contribute by mail, simply drop an email to us at HelpRachelBreathe [at] gmail [dot] com and we’ll provide the mailing address.

We hope to add an Amazon affiliate link, as well. This would allow you to shop at Amazon, just as you normally would (NO additional cost to you at all!) but if you access Amazon via our link, it will help to support this site, and it won’t cost you a thing.

If you have unusual “travel point” via hotel rewards, credit card rewards, airline loyalty programs, etc, you may be able to donate those unused point to help offset some of Rachel and Steven’s travel expenses for her surgeries. Just drop us an email at HelpRachelBreathe [at] gmail [dot] com and we’d love to talk about how best to accomplish this. (We have had people do this a few times successfully, and easily. We would simply have to figure out logistics as each points rewards system is setup slightly differently so there is not yet a “standard” protocol for this.)

We will also add additional fundraising options, should you wish to participate. It’s easy, and can help a great deal.

Thank you once again for your interest in helping. People help in whatever way that they can – and it often looks different each time. Sometimes, we’ve been blessed to have been given discounts on items needed by manufacturers or owners. Everything helps! We’re would be grateful for your thoughts and prayers for Steven and Rachel, in whatever way you connect with spirituality. Blessings and gratitude to all.